USL-PDL Merger


Allotment of securities pursuant to Scheme of Amalgamation and Arrangement amongst Pioneer Distilleries Limited and United Spirits LimitedPDF (236KB)


Announcement of USL-PDL MergerPDF (44 KB)
Effective Date of the Scheme of Amalgamation and Arrangement amongst Pioneer Distilleries Limited and United Spirits Limited and their respective shareholders and creditorsPDF (575KB)
Disclosure of “Record Date” for the Scheme of Amalgamation and Arrangement amongst Pioneer Distilleries Limited and United Spirits Limited and their respective shareholders and creditorsPDF (639KB)
Certified copy of Order from NCLT in the matter of merger of PDL with the CompanyPDF (24.19 MB)
Intimation about receipt of Order from NCLT in the matter of merger of PDL with the CompanyPDF (6.03 MB)


12 Oct 2021
Recorded proceedings of unsecured creditors’ meeting convened as per NCLT directions
PDF (89 kb)
12 Oct 2021
Recorded proceedings of shareholders’ meeting convened as per NCLT directions
PDF (90 kb)
1 Oct 2021
Voting results and scrutinizer’s report of the meeting of the unsecured creditors
PDF (1.18 mb)
1 Oct 2021
Voting results and scrutinizer’s report of the meeting of the equity shareholders
PDF (2.31 mb)
1 Oct 2021
Outcome and proceedings of the NCLT-convened meeting of the unsecured creditors
PDF (230 kb)
1 Oct 2021
Outcome and proceedings of the NCLT-convened meeting of the equity shareholders
PDF (239 kb)
7 Sept 2021
Newspaper Advertisement – USL- PDL Merger Equity and creditors notice
PDF (1.39 mb)
27 Aug 2021
Intimation – Notice of the National Company Law Tribunal Convened Meeting of the Equity Shareholders of United Spirits Limited by VC/ OAVM on Thursday, September 30, 2021
PDF (14.27 mb)
27 Aug 2021
Intimation – Notice of the National Company Law Tribunal Convened Meeting of the Unsecured Creditors of United Spirits Limited by VC/ OAVM on Thursday, September 30, 2021
PDF (14.33 mb)
26 Aug 2021
Evoting & Participation of Meeting Instructions – USL- PDL-Merger
PDF (237 kb)
26 Aug 2021
Notice to Equity shareholder Meeting - USL- PDL- Merger
PDF (28.12 mb)
26 Aug 2021
Notice to unsecured creditors-USL – PDL Merger
PDF (13.83 mb)
19 Aug 2021
Intimation - Orders issued by the National Company Law Tribunal, Bengaluru for convening meetings of the equity shareholders and unsecured creditors
PDF (8.76 mb)


13 Nov 2020
Disclosure of additional information in relation to the Draft Scheme of Amalgamation and Arrangement amongst Pioneer Distilleries Limited and United Spirits Limited
PDF (23.38 mb)
22 Oct 2020
NSE’s Observation Letter for Draft Scheme of Amalgamation and Arrangement between Pioneer Distilleries Limited and United Spirits Limited
PDF (254 kb)
22 Oct 2020
BSE's Observation Letter for Draft Scheme of Amalgamation and Arrangement between Pioneer Distilleries Limited and United Spirits Limited
PDF (643 kb)
5 Mar 2020
USL_NSE_Summary Changes (1)
PDF (735 kb)
4 Mar 2020
Scheme Revised
PDF (6.22 mb)
4 Mar 2020
USL_BSE_Summary Changes
PDF (687 kb)
4 Mar 2020
USL_BSE_Complaint Report
PDF (223 kb)
4 Mar 2020
PDF (227 kb)
7 Feb 2020
Addendum to Valuation report
PDF (869 kb)
7 Feb 2020
Pre and Post-Amalgamation Shareholding Pattern
PDF (4.44 mb)
10 Jan 2020
Detailed Compliance Report
PDF (211 kb)
10 Jan 2020
Financial details of the companies
PDF (375 kb)


20 Dec 2019
Statutory Auditor’s Certificate – Compliance of applicable Accounting Standards
PDF (405 kb)
20 Dec 2019
Fairness Opinion on the Fair Exchange Ratio Report
PDF (2.42 mb)
20 Dec 2019
Report of Audit & Risk Management Committee of the Company
PDF (617 kb)
20 Dec 2019
Fair Exchange Ratio (Valuation Report)
PDF (2.32 mb)
20 Dec 2019
Draft Scheme of Amalgamation
PDF (7.51 mb)
2 Dec 2019
Board's approval for amalgamation – Dec 2, 2019
PDF (734 kb)