Diageo India is among the country’s leading beverage alcohol companies with an outstanding collection of premium brands.
Our Code sets out what we stand for as a company. Underpinned by a corporate governance structure and robust risk, controls, and compliance and ethics programme, our Code enables our employees to make the right choices and demonstrate the highest standards of integrity and ethical behaviour.
Our Code is underpinned by our purpose and ambition to create the best performing, most trusted and respected consumer products company in the world, and is supported by a comprehensive framework of global policies and standards.
Our global policies are applied within Diageo regardless of where we work or what level we are. All Diageo employees are required to undertake training on the requirements of our Code.
Our Code provides clear guidance on the following areas:
Responsible drinking; insider trading; conflicts of interest
Marketing and innovation; gifts and entertainment; bribery and corruption; governments and political bodies; illicit trade; competition; money laundering; trade controls and facilitation of tax evasion; sanctions
Health, safety, and personal security; discrimination; human rights
Information management and security; company property and resources; data privacy and personal information; business records
Quality; environment; charitable contributions; external communications and social media; relationships with customers, suppliers and other business partners.
Read more about how we manage compliance or download the Code of Business Conduct.
Our SpeakUp service
SpeakUp is a confidential service to raise concerns about compliance to the law, our Code, any of our policies or standards or any other compliance and ethics matters.
The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to all employees, contractors or any other interested party such as suppliers or customers. It is managed by an independent, external company with staff trained to deal with reports. Translators are available for individuals whose first language is not English. All reports are forwarded to our Risk and Compliance team who decide upon next steps. Overall statistics and significant matters are reported quarterly in summary format to our Executive and Audit Committees.
We have zero-tolerance for reprisal against anyone reporting a concern or assisting with an investigation in good faith. Anyone found to be involved in retaliation against an individual who has raised a concern will be subject to disciplinary action.
You could visit SpeakUp for more information.